Sunday, November 13, 2005
Indiana Pages
I just finished my scrapbook pages from our Indiana trip. If you want to see any of the pages in more detail, just click on them -- they should appear larger in a new window. No making fun of me and my new hobby obsession, this digital scrapbooking thing --
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Page 1: Honestly, I didn't even really want to go. I wanted to see Steve's family and celebrate his only aunt & uncle's big day, but I worried that the trip would be a lot of stress and hassle and not a lot of relaxation. But I was wrong. The trip was great! We had so much fun together as our own little family, and being around extended family only made it better. It was a quick trip, with lots of driving in not too many days, but it was a fun one with lots of memories. Steve & I have made it our rule that, whenever possible, we see family. I'm glad we stuck to it.
Page 2: Our van was like a frat house for little girls - messy and full of self-indulgent vices. Grammy took all of the girls shopping for snacks, so we had a big tote full of junk food -- fruit snacks, licorice, crackers, chex mix, snickers, smarties, more! The rule was -- no rules (that's a first!). The girls could eat pretty much whatever - they had a blast. And the TV was set up and we brought tons of movies, so it was party time. The girls did great on the trip there and back - they are fun to travel with. They were easy- going and excited to see new things.

Page 3: Our first night in Indy, we met Sue, Cindy and Denny at Bob & Becky's home, then we headed on over to Arni's Pizza. I've been hearing about this pizza from Steve for years. I'm not sure if the pizza lived up to Steve's memory or not, but Arni's is a great pizza place. Fun decor, including a real truck and all sorts of vintage toys. And great company that night - lots of Luekens, lots of Gronds.
Page 4: Steve's gramma, Dessie Holden, moved into this home at ### Street in Lafayette, IN in XXXX. Steve has great memories of staying here during their annual summer treks to Indy. It's a small, quaint home but I'm sure it was filled with so much fun those summers.

Page 6: This awesome park is right near Steve's gramma's former home, and Steve and his family went here all the time when they visited Lafayette. The park includes a zoo (which unfortunately was under construction when we visited), a waterpark, walking trails, a pond with ducks and swans and - of course - tons of play equipment. Elly had lots of fun "babysitting" Josie; they played together so nice. The 3 big girls had a blast on the tire swing (even though Lydia lost her breakfast a few minutes later). I loved watching the girls play with Steve and hearing about Steve's memories of the park, especially the story about him and Jim getting lost.

Page 8: Maybe the best part of the weekend. After our trip to Columbian Park, we drove by the Frozen Custard stand across the street. Not open until 11am. So we drove around Lafayette for a while, looking at Purdue, Peg & Joe's house, the old downtown, so on. But at 11:01am, we were at that stand. About 3 minutes later, Dave, Brenda, Hannah & Lisa pulled up. A few more minutes, and Jim, Barbara & Amanda were there too. Turns out, they were all driving around too, just waiting for the stand to open. Funny how siblings can be so similar. It was an unplanned meeting - and just perfect.

Page 10: The Lueken children held a lunch and reception for Joe & Peggy at the Best Western in Lafayette. The party was so nice -- great food, good conversations, interesting old photographs, lots of fun. Bob Taylor presented Peggy with a gold toilet seat with this funny picture of her in it. I missed quite a bit of the party; I put Lydia & Josie down for naps in our hotel room. I wish I could have been there for more. Elly & Maggie stayed the whole time - well, except for when Maggie wandered upstairs. Yipes. It's such an awesome blessing to be together fifty years. I would love to make that milestone with Steve; I pray I do.

Page 11: On Saturday night, Hannah and Amanda babysat for us while we enjoyed dinner at the hotel with the grown-ups. Afterward, some hung out in Mike's suite and some of us hung out in the hall outside our rooms. Couldn't leave those babies unattended.
The girls had a lot of fun with Hannah and Amanda. And they loved spending time with their uncles, especially since they don't get to see them much. Dave won over Lydia - he knows the way to her heart is pop and candy.

Page 13: On Sunday, Mike & Patty invited us over to their home to grill and hang out at the pool. We'd been pool rats all weekend, swimming at our hotels at least twice each day. But the Lueken pool was by far the best. Brenda & I played in the water with the girls. It's a beautiful pool - and yard and home, for that matter - and it was so relaxing. Patty made some delicious foods, including the best baked beans I've ever had and some sweet treat called Ooey Gooey Bars. Yum. Aunt Peggy brought little ice cream cups for the girls, and they were so cute eating them by the pool. We left for home after this - but it was a great end to a great visit.
Page 14: All the Grond siblings together - how neat is that? Being wtih family is, of course, what made this weekend so special. As we get older and get busier with our own children and jobs and lives, it's rare to spend time with your first family. What a gift that all the Grond children got to be together for a weekend with their only cousins, the Luekens. I'm sure more memories were revisited than made this weekend, and that's okay. I heard once that experience is only part of what teaches us; time to reflect on that experience is what matters more.
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